NAIST 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス領域


The chemistry and genetics of flavor preferences in tomato

演題 The chemistry and genetics of flavor preferences in tomato
講演者 Prof. Harry J. Klee
(Horticultural Sciences Department, University of Florida, USA)
使用言語 English
日時 2019年6月7日(金曜日) 15:30~16:30
場所 Large seminar room (C109)
Modern commercial tomato varieties are substantially less flavorful than heirloom varieties. To understand and ultimately correct that deficiency, we quantified flavor-associated chemicals in 398 modern, heirloom and wild accessions. A subset of these accessions were evaluated in consumer panels, identifying the chemicals making the most important contributions to flavor and consumer liking. Modern commercial varieties contain significantly lower amounts of many of these important flavor chemicals than older varieties. Whole genome sequencing and a genome-wide association study allowed us to identify genetic loci affecting most of the target flavor chemicals, including sugars, acids and volatiles. Together, these results provide an understanding of the flavor deficiencies in modern commercial varieties and the information necessary for recovery of good flavor through molecular breeding.
Reference: Tieman D et al., (2017) A chemical genetic roadmap to improved tomato flavor. Science. 355, 391-394.
問合せ先 Plant Secondary Metabolism
Takayuki Tohge, PhD. (
