NAIST 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス領域


Ordinary Proteomics with Something Extra to dissect Plant Immune System

演題 Ordinary Proteomics with Something Extra to dissect Plant Immune System
講演者 Dr. Hirofumi Nakagami
(Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany)

使用言語 English
日時 2018年10月17日(水曜日) 13:00~14:00
場所 Multimedia Hall in NAIST Library Bldg.

The emergence of shotgun proteomics has dramatically broadened coverage of the proteome, and has made analysis of the proteome far more practical. Conversely, further technological development is needed to monitor complete proteomes which are highly complex because of post-translational modifications, alternative splicing, and so on. Hence to successfully address biological questions by the use of currently available proteomics technologies, establishment and/or deep deliberation of ‘something extra’ would be crucial.

My group is interested in describing protein networks that comprise plant immune system. Currently, we primarily focus on identifying novel components of the system by employing recent proteomics technologies to reveal complete signaling pathways for proper defense responses. We’ve already identified some novel components and quite a few candidate proteins with our favorite phosphoproteomics-based approach using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. To understand fundamental protein networks of plant immune system, we are establishing the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha as a new model system for plant immunity research. Our approaches assisted by proteomics to dissect plant immune system will be discussed.


問合せ先 植物代謝制御研究室
大谷 美沙都 (
