NAIST 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス領域


Functional genomics of brain development and disease mechanisms

演題 Functional genomics of brain development and disease mechanisms
講演者 Dr. Elva Diaz(Department of Pharmacology, University of California, Davis)
使用言語 English
日時 2015年12月8日(火曜日) 13:30~14:30
場所 Large seminar room
内容 My main research interest is to understand molecular mechanisms of brain development and disease. My lab employs functional genomics approaches to identify genes upregulated during distinct phases of brain development. In particular, we focus on two main areas: neural proliferation and synapse development and we have identified several candidate genes involved in these processes. Furthermore, we have shown that misregulation of these genes are implicated in diseases such as brain tumors, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. In my seminar I will discuss our most recent findings in these areas.
問合せ先 Neuronal Cell Morphogenesis
稲垣 直之 (
