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Division Awards

Division of Biological Science acknowledges excellent achievements of students and researchers by offering following awards.

Bioscience Division Award (from FY2019)

The Bioscience Division Award honors outstanding research done by young faculty members in the Bioscience Division. In principle, the Award Selection Committee will select one winner every year. Those eligible for the award are Associate Professors (except for Independent Associate Professors) and Assistant Professors, and the award is based on their research achievements over the past five to ten years. It is possible for faculty members who have won the Umesono Prize in the past to receive the Bioscience Division Award based on accumulated research achievements.

Award Recipient List

Year Recipient and Research Title
FY 2024
FY 2023
FY 2022
FY 2021
YAMAGUCHI Nobutoshi Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Epigenetic regulation of gene expression controls flower development and environmental responses in Arabidopsis thaliana
FY 2020
FY 2019
MATSUI Takaaki Laboratory of Gene Regulation Research Elucidation of spatiotemporal control in vertebrate morphogenesis

Umesono Prize

The Umesono Prize has been awarded annually since 2004 to young researchers in Graduate School (Division) of Biological Sciences at NAIST who significantly contributed to biological sciences during his/her years at the institute.

The prize was established to commemorate the achievements of Dr. Kazuhiko Umesono who was an up-and-coming associate professor in the early years of NAIST. He was a true scientist, brilliant and creative. In 1990s, virtually any molecular biologist knew and respected him. When steroid hormone receptors were mentioned in a lecture, everyone referred to his achievements.

Before joining NAIST in 1994, he published 10 Nature and Cell papers and a total of 24 manuscripts during seven years in the laboratory of Professor Ronald M. Evans at the Salk Institute in the United States. He first recognized and proved that many hormone response elements are comprised of direct repeats (DRs) and then established that specificity could be achieved by unique spacing of common half-sites. A vitamin D3 response element was a DR-3 (direct repeat spaced by 3 nucleotides), a DR-4 for a thyroid hormone, and a DR-5 for retinoic acid. The spacing paradigm was termed the 3-4-5 rule. In 1997, he became a Professor at Kyoto University.

Regretfully, he passed away in April 1999 at the age of forty. In the short time from his return to Japan, he published 16 papers, and had achievements including the cloning of a novel eye-specific orphan receptor and the discovery of a unique role for TLX, another receptor, in eye development.

With his family's donation, we established Umesono Prize to promote his enthusiasm for scientific research. The prize is awarded to young researchers with a bright future to follow in the footprints of Dr. Umesono, who enriched us with his personal and intellectual generosity. His spirit continues to inspire us and light our way.

The award is mainly based on the originality and academic value of a paper which the awardee wrote as a first author.

Award Recipient List

Year Recipient and Research Title
The 21st
KOMAKI Shinichiro
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Plant Secondary Metabolism
Acquisition of the kinetochore localization mechanism of the Chromosomal Passenger Complex by convergent evolution  
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Microbial Interaction
Genetic mechanisms restrict fission yeast growth at high temperatures  
The 20th
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Stem Cell Technology
Gastric stem cell system protecting healthy gastric mucosa  
The 19th
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Plant Growth Regulation
Cytokinin and auxin orchestrate distinct DNA damage responses in roots  
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Cell Biology
Discovery of the novel extracellular vesicles from filopodia  
The 18th
Songkui Cui
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Plant Symbiosis
Ethylene hormone signaling is essential for host infection by the root parasitic plant Phtheirospermum japonicum  
The 17th
Postdoctoral Fellow, Gregor Mendel Institute, Berger Group, Austria (Former Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Plant Developmental Signaling)
The 16th
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning
Chromatin-mediated feed-forward auxin biosynthesis in floral meristem determinacy
The 15th
TATEBE Hisashi
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Cell Signaling
Substrate specificity of TOR complex 2 is determined by a ubiquitin-fold domain of the Sin1 subunit
The 14th
HIRANO Yoshinori
Lecturer, Yokohama City University (Former Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Structual Biology)
Structure of the SHR-SCR heterodimer bound to the BIRD/IDD transcriptional factor JKD
The 13th
The 12th
KUBO Ken-ichi
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Intercellular Communications
Gene duplication and genetic exchange drive the evolution of S-RNase-based self-incompatibility in Petunia
The 11th
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Plant Morphological Dynamics
MAB4-induced auxin sink generates local auxin gradients in Arabidopsis organ formation
The 10th
SAITO Daisuke
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology
Developmental control of sympathetic nervous system formation: a perspective from neuro-vascular interaction
The 9th
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Genetics
A Pause for A Homeostatic Regulation of The Endoplasmic Reticulum
The 8th
SHOJI Tsubasa
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Plant Cell Function
Molecular identification of master transcription factors for nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco
The 7th
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience
Committed Neuronal Precursors Confer Astrocytic Potential on Residual Neural Precursor Cells
The 6th
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Microbial Molecular Genetics
A Dynamic Polymerase Exchange with Escherichia coli DNA Polymerase IV Replacing DNA Polymerase III on the Sliding Clamp
The 5th
TAMAKI Shojiro
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics
Hd3a protein is a mobile flowering signal in rice
The 4th
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Structual Biology
Structural basis for genome maintenance by Werner syndrome protein
The 3rd
Year 3, Doctoral Course Student, Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics
Analysis of signaling network of rice flowering time by night break
The 2nd
Year 3, Doctoral Course Student, Laboratory of Gene Function in Animals
Suppression of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay permits unbiased gene trapping
The 1st
Year 3, Doctoral Course Student, Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology
The Role of Maternal Factors in Zebrafish Germ Cell Development

Outstanding Student Award

Outstanding newly graduating students of the master and doctoral courses are given NAIST Outstanding Student Award from the chief director of NAIST Foundation and Outstanding Student Award from the president of NAIST.

Graduating students of the master course (excluding the 5-year integrated course) and those of the doctoral course are eligible for this award. At graduation, the degree thesis, educational record and other research achievements of candidates are evaluated, and two most excellent students are selected from each course.

Award Recipient List (Doctoral course)

Year Recipient and Research Title
KOBAYASHI Risa Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Comparative analysis of dominant-recessive regulation of pollen factors in Brassicaceae self-incompatibility
NORSHIMA BINTI ABU HASAN Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology Functional and structural characterization of a PET-oligomer hydrolase with a unique substrate specificity identified from?Ideonella sakaiensis
Chu Minh Cuong Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology Novel inhibitory mechanisms for fission yeast TOR complex 1 that controls nutrient dependent cellular growth
Jonathan Jun-Yong Lim Laboratory of Organ Developmental Engineering Investigation of CRISPR-Cas9 as a novel method to generate organ-deficient mouse model for blastocyst compiementation
KANO Norisuke Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology Functional analysis of CCCH-type zinc finger protein ENZ-1 in innate immune responses
USHIJIMA Naoya Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology Elucidation of Zc3h6 gene function in the regulation of innate immuneresponses
UENO Daishin Laboratory of Plant Metabolic Regulation Elucidation of internal cleavage-mediated RNA decay using comprehensive analysis of RNA cleavage sites in plant
OKUDE Haruna Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology Dissecting signaling pathways that foster psoriatic skin inflammation
SUGIYAMA Teruki Laboratory of Plant Growth Regulation Studies on cell cycle regulation through cell-to-cell communication
MAKI Kentaro Laboratory of Gene Regulation Research Functional analysis of eEF2-diphthamide using genome editing and human reconstituted translation system
KIDA Kazuki Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Cell Biology Membrane scission activity of Endophilin A2 depending on phospholipid composition
HIRASE Taishi Laboratory of Plant Immunity Pattern recognition receptor-mediated control of plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) in plant immunity
SUGANO Yasunori Laboratory of Membrane Molecular Biology タンパク質膜透過チャネルSecトランスロコンの静的動的構造基盤
OFURUDONO Miku Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology XBP1uの翻訳休止におけるリボソームタンパク質の関与
KUGE Takayuki Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics アラビノキシラン資化能を有するコリネ型細菌の創出
KANDA Satoshi Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Genetics 翻訳停止の共役によるSRP経路を介したXBP1umRNAの小胞体膜局在化機構の解析
SHIGA Takeki Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology 酵母ユビキチンリガーゼRsp5による細胞膜タンパク質の品質管理機構
SHIBAHARA Takenori Laboratory of Structural Biology 接着結合を構成するα-cateninのN末端ドメインの構造・物性と機能
NOGUCHI Hirofumi Laboratory of Gene Regulation Research 神経発生過程における維持型DNAメチル化酵素DNMT1の機能解析
MURAO Naoya Laboratory of Gene Regulation Research ヘミメチル化DNA認識因子Np95のマウス脳での発現細胞の同定及び成体海馬ニューロン新生における役割の解明
MURAKOSHI Motoaki Laboratory of Biodynamics and Integrative Biology 細胞内代謝適応を標的とした心筋梗塞後の線維化に対する新規治療法の開発
NAKAMURA Naoya Laboratory of Differentiation and Morphogenesis Flaveria 属植物のC4型光合成における光合成電子伝達反応によるエネルギー生産調節機構の解明
ATSUTA Yuji Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience 器官形成を支える上皮管組織の構築機構
NISHIMURA Akira Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology 酵母におけるアルギニン/一酸化窒素の合成を介した新規抗酸化機構
TORIYAMA Manami Laboratory of Molecular Signal Transduction Gタンパク質シグナルによるダブルコルチンのリン酸化を介した神経前駆細胞の遊走制御機構の解明
SHIMOKITA Eisuke Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology Secondary neurulation から見る尾部領域の形成機構
KANAI Kenichi Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology 転写因子Mafの多様な翻訳後修飾による活性制御機構の解明
TAKATSUKA Hirotomo Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology and Organogenesis シロイヌナズナの発生におけるCDK活性化キナーゼの機能に関する研究
ADACHI Sumiko Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology and Organogenesis シロイヌナズナにおけるCDKの発現とエンドサイクルの誘導に関する研究
YANAGITANI Kota Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Genetics 小胞体ストレス応答におけるXBPI mRNAの細胞質スプライシング機構の解析
MIYASHIMA Shunsuke Laboratory of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology シロイヌナズナ根端分裂組織における放射パターン形成の分子基盤の解析
IGARI Kazunari Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology 植物における形態形成と耐病性の関係に関する分子遺伝学的解析
KONDO Takefumi Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology ショウジョウバエ上皮形態を制御する短鎖ペプチド
TORIYAMA Michinori Laboratory of Signal Transduction 新規分子Shootin1による神経極性形成機構の解明
ISHIKAWA Ryo Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics Light effect on the photoperiodic regulation of flowering in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
TAKAHARA Kentaro Laboratory of Differentiation and Morphogenesis 乾燥強光下の野生スイカにおけるシトルリン蓄積の制御機構の解明
SHIGEOKA Toshiaki Laboratory of Gene Function in Animals NMD経路の抑制による理想的な遺伝子トラップシステムの構築
TAKAHASHI Kazutoshi Laboratory of Animal Molecular Technology Embryonic stem cells express a transforming oncogene.
HASHIMOTO Yoshiko Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology ゼブラフィッシュにおける生殖細胞の運命決定機構 - 卵割面両端に局在する母性供与因子の生理機能 -
NIIHAMA Mitsuru Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology 高等植物のポストゴルジ・ネットワークにおける小胞輸送の分子遺伝学的解析
MURASE Kohji Laboratory of Intercellular Communications アブラナ科植物の自家不和合性におけるシグナル伝達機構の解析
HIBARA Ken-ichiro Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology 分裂組織形成に関与するシロイヌナズナCUC 遺伝子の分子遺伝学的解析
SHIOMI Yasushi Laboratory of Animal Molecular Genetics ゲノム情報の維持伝達に要求されるクランプ・クランプローダー系の再構築と機能解析
MUNEKAGE Yuri Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology 変動する光環境に応答した光合成電子伝達制御の分子遺伝学的研究
Siripong Thitamadee Laboratory of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Microtubule basis for left-handed helical growth in Arabidopsis.
SHIMOSATO Hiroko Laboratory of Intercellular Communications アブラナ科植物の自家不和合性における自他識別機構の解明
HAYAMA Ryosuke Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics イネの開花時期を制御する遺伝子ネットワークの解析
TAKEUCHI Jun Laboratory of Metabolic Regulation in Animal Cells 手足(前後肢)の違いと眼の背腹軸決定機構に関わるTbx遺伝子の研究
TOMODA Kiichiro Laboratory of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation Cdkインヒビターp27Kip1の制御機構の解明

Award Recipient List (Master’s course)

Year Recipient and Research Title
MIYAJIMA Nagisa Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Molecular mechanism of heat response regulated by HSFA2 variants
UEHARA Yurina Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology Functional analysis of ENZ-1 in CD4-positive T cells
KAN Kyoyuki Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology Elucidation of freezing stress tolerance through protein quality control mechanisms
EBIHARA Ryoko Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Elucidation of novel mechanisms of seed development mediated by interaction between paternal and maternal factors
HIRAIWA Erika Laboratory of Molecular Signal Transduction Analysis of inhibitory agonist GPR56 in cancer cells
SHITABO Tamaki Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Manipulation of endosperm and seed development by changing balanced control of paternal and maternal imprinted genes
KAWAMURA Junpei Laboratory of Plant Metabolic Regulation Spatiotemporal Changes of Mechanical Properties at Cellular Levels during Xylem Vessel Differentiation in Arabidopsis
TAKEUCHI Azusa Laboratory of Structural Life Science Structural and functional analyses of bacterial thiosulfate transporter YeeE
YAMAGUCHI Sho Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Identification of paternally imprinted genes that promote endosperm development and analyses of their functional mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana.
TANIKAWA Tsubasa Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology Inhibitory effect of arginine on proline utilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
KOBAYASHI Risa Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Analysis on the sRNA-based epigenetic dominant/resessive relationships in Brassica rapa
SAKAMOTO Kaoru Laboratory of Plant Developmental Signaling Role of autophagy in the maturation and detachment of the outermost root cap layer
MASAKA Chiho Laboratory of Structural Biology アブラナ科植物の自家不和合性における自己認識機構の構造基盤
OGURA Ryoji Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics コリネ型細菌における芳香族化合物に対する耐性機構の解析
SATAKE Mai Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology 肥満誘導に伴ったマクロファージの制御機構の解明
SATO Izumi Laboratory of Plant Metabolic Regulation 麹菌における導入遺伝子高発現系の構築
URATA Ayaka Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology アレルギー誘発物質キチンに対する自然免疫応答の解析
LIU XIAO Laboratory of Intercellular Communications アブラナ科植物の自家不和合性における自他識別機構の解明
EMORI Midori Laboratory of Cell Signaling 分裂酵母をモデルにしたスフィンゴ脂質生合成制御機構の解析
SUGANO Yasunori Laboratory of Membrane Molecular Biology 1ユニット再構成系を用いた蛋白質分泌過程の動的理解
IKEBATA Yusuke Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Genetics 小胞体ストレスセンサーIRE1αによる細胞質スプライシングに必須なmRNAの構造と配列の解析
YAMASAKI Taiji Laboratory of Structural Biology 密着結合の制御に関わるRhoGAP Rich1の結晶構造・機能解析
ASADA Futa Laboratory of Cell Signaling 低分子量Gタンパク質Rhedのエフェクター分子探索
NAGANO Hiroki Laboratory of Gene Regulation Research 脊椎動物シス調節配列の進化的起源の探索
OKAWARA Renya Laboratory of Plant Metabolic Regulation 植物培養細胞における導入遺伝子高効率発現システム
SUZUKI Marina Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology 大腸菌のシステイン/シスチンシャトルシステムにおけるシスチン取り込み機構の解析
KATSUNO Hiroko Laboratory of Signal Transduction Secondary neurulation
神経軸索輸送Slow component bの分子機構の解明
SAKAMOTO Norihito Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology MAB4ファミリー遺伝子によるPIN極性形成機構の解明
SAKAI Ken-ichiro Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology 色素細胞の挙動とメラニン輸送の可視化:表皮培養法を用いたライブイメージング観察
NAKATANI Takeshi Laboratory of Cell Biotechnology 大腸菌における新規システイン生合成経路の探索と発酵生産への応用
TAKENAMI Shinya Laboratory of Metabolic Regulation of Plant Cells 熱ストレス下における翻訳制御機構の解明 ~ 制御に関わる5'UTR内の特徴 ~
KUBOTA Ryo Laboratory of Biophysics ZOタンパク質による Tight Junction 形成制御機構の構造的基盤研究
OMORI Akihumi Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics 深度地下環境中の微生物相解析とCO2固定遺伝子の探索
HASHIGUCHI Yasuko Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology Qb-SNARE ZIG/VTI11欠損変異を抑圧するzig suppressor 3の分子遺伝学的解析
ANDO Ayumi Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology 重力屈性に関与するシロイヌナズナSGR2の機能解析
AOKI Mayumi Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics Hd3aの発現制御に関わるHd1の機能解析
INOUE Takayoshi Laboratory of Gene Function in Animals NMD抑制因子によるNMD抑制機構の解析
ISHII Sho Laboratory of Differentiation and Morphogenesis 深度地下微生物生態系における培養非依存的な菌相解析とCO2固定遺伝子のクローニング
KOTERA Emi Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology シロイヌナズナ核遺伝子CRR4は葉緑体遺伝子ndhDのRNA editingに関与する
IGARI Kazunari Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology 腋生分裂組織に異常を示す新規のシロイヌナズナ変異体 uni の解析
KONDO Shinichi Laboratory of Structural Cellular Biology アストロサイト特異的なUnfolded Protein Responseを制御する膜貫通タンパク質OASISの機能解析
ISHIKAWA Ryo Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics 光中断を用いたイネの開花におけるシグナルネットワークの解明
HASHIMOTO Mihoko Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology シロイヌナズナ核遺伝子CRR2は葉緑体NdhBの発現制御に機能する
KAKITA Mitsuru Laboratory of Intercellular Communications アブラナ科植物の自家不和合反応に関わるリン酸化タンパク質の探索
FURUTANI Masahiko Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology The effect of auxin on the apical pattern formation during Arabidopsis embryyogenesis.
TAKAHASHI Kazutoshi Laboratory of Animal Molecular Technology
HASEGAWA Kana Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics 酵母 Two hybrid 法によるイネRacと相互作用するタンパク質の探索
ONO Tatsuya Laboratory of CelCell Proliferation and Differentiation アフリカツメガエル中期胞胚遷移における細胞周期変化の分子メカニズムの解析

Yano Award

The Yano Award was established in the memory of Mr. Daisuke Yano, who passed away by a traffic accident at his 3rd year of the doctor course, from funds of the surviving family. Late Yano was a highly motivated and devoting student; he had already published his research results in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS) as the first author, and was awarded the Research Fellowship (doctoral course) of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Graduating NAIST master course students who will proceed to our doctoral course are evaluated on their research achievements, and the motivation and originality of their research plans for the doctoral course by all attending professors and associate professors at their thesis presentations. One or two outstanding students are awarded this every year.

Award Recipient List

Year Recipient and Research Title
尾上 友里奈 Laboratory of Bioengineering Squalene production by Corynebacterium glutamicum
安藤 うた Laboratory of Plant Secondary Metabolism Elucidation of regulation and accumulation machinery in proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
TAKAHASHI Yutaro Laboratory of Structural Life Science Structural basis of a bacterial xylose transporter
HILARIO PATRICK LOUIS LAGMAN Laboratory of RNA Molecular Medicine Generation of a fluorescent-reporter cell line library for comprehensive analysis of stress granule formation
HIROKI Shuya Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology Characterization of circular RNAs in the regulation of inflammatory responses
FURUTA Yuki Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Analysis of molecular mechanism of jasmonic acid signaling-mediated petal
HANAI Yuma Laboratory of RNA Molecular Medicine Development of a novel intronic NHEJ knock-in system for making fluorescent reporter cells
OTSUKA Nana Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Small compounds inducing the devernalization in Arabidopsis -structure and molecular mechanisms-
IKEGAWA Moe Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology Functional elucidation of TXP in antigen cross-presentation
Hu Hooi Tin Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Cell Biology The characterization and functional analysis of IRSp53-mediated secretion of extracellular vesicles from tumor cells
Chu Minh Cuong Laboratory of Cell Signaling Genetic and biochemical analyses of the positive and negative regulations of TOR complex 1 signaling in fission yeast
IIMURA Hideaki Laboratory of Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning Elucidation of nectary development by CRABS CLAW in Arabidopsis thaliana
KANO Norisuke Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology Functional analysis of the regulatory mechanisms of innate immune response by CCCH-type Zinc finger protein Zc3h4
USHIJIMA Naoya Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology Elucidation of the function of CCCH-type Zinc finger domain-containing protein Zc3h6 in innate immunity.
UENO Daishin Laboratory of Plant Metabolic Regulation mRNAの内部切断に関わる配列的特徴の解明
OKUDE Haruna Laboratory of Molecular Immunobiology 核酸リガンドにより惹起される細胞死シグナルの解明
YATSUZUKA Atsuki Laboratory of Developmental Biomedical Science 神経初期発生におけるGタンパク共役型受容体の機能解析
SUGIYAMA Teruki Laboratory of Plant Growth Regulation 根の表皮における細胞タイプ特異的な細胞周期制御機構の解明
WAKASA Mizuho Laboratory of Gene Regulation Research 正確な器官形成における有毛細胞と神経細胞のシナプス伝達を介した異種細胞間コミュニケーションの関与
KAZUKI Kida Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Cell Biology BARタンパク質Endophilin A2の膜切断活性とがんにおける変異
FURUKAWA Arata Laboratory of Membrane Molecular Biology YidC・Sec膜タンパク質複合体によるタンパク質の膜組込み・膜透過機構の解明
KAWAMOTO Yuhei Laboratory of Gene Regulation Research 表皮のバリア機能を維持する生死細胞間コミュニケーション機構の遺伝学的解明
YAMADA Sohei Laboratory of Gene Regulation Research ゼブラフィッシュ胚における上皮創傷治癒機構の解明
KUGE Takayuki Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology コリネ型細菌におけるアラビノース代謝関連遺伝子の発現制御機構の解明
YONEKURA Toshiya Laboratory of Cell Signaling TORC2の基質特異性を制御する分子メカニズムの解明
MURAO Naoya Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience マウス脳におけるNP95発現細胞の同定 ~ヘミメチル化認識因子NP95による成体海馬ニューロン新生制御メカニズムの解明~
NOGUCHI Hirofumi Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience 大脳皮質形成過程におけるDNAメチル化酵素DNMT1の機能解析
HAYASHI Yuichi Laboratory of Biodynamics and Integrative Biology Unveiling a stochastic basis of human disease
KOTOKU Tomomi Laboratory of Biodynamics and Integrative Biology Development of basic tools toward next-generation organ engineering
KUBO Yusuke Laboratory of Signal Transduction 軸索形成タンパク質Shootin1と相互作用する新規クラッチ分子の同定および機能解析
WATANABE Keiko Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology エンハンサーを利用した交感神経特異的な遺伝子発現法の確立
NISHIMURA Akira Laboratory of Cell Biotechnology 酵母N-アセチルトランスフェラーゼMpr1による抗酸化機構の解明
HASEBE Chie Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics イネ開花制御因子Hd1複合体構成因子の同定と機能解析
SHINYA Sayoko Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Genetics 小胞体ストレス応答におけるIRE1経路の解析
SHIMOKITA Eisuke Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology 上皮形成からみる神経管の成り立ち
SANOSAKA Tsukasa Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience 神経幹細胞の多分化能獲得制御に関与する遺伝子群の探索
IKEYAMA Yoshifumi Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology 側根形成能が低下するシロイヌナズナrlr50変異体の解析
TAKAHASHI Yasuyuki Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics イネコアコレクションを用いた開花関連遺伝子の多様性の解明
MIYASHIMA Shunsuke Laboratory of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology シロイヌナズナ根端における分裂組織維持機構の解析

NAIST Bioscience Award (from FY1999 to FY2018)

The Division of Biological Science honors our staff scientists by awarding the NAIST Bioscience Award, in principal one awardee per year, for their outstanding research achievements at NAIST. Starting from 2008, the award is open to current and also former staff scientists to improve the recognition of this prize and the awardees.

Award Recipient List

Year Recipient and Research Title
FY2018 None
IZAWA Takeshi Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Molecular mechanisms of photoperiodic floral induction in rice
SHIMIZU Toshiyuki Professor, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo Structural study of Toll-like receptors sensing single-stranded nucleic acids in innate immune system
FY2015 None
FY2014 None
IMAIZUMI Kazunori Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Graduate School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima University Biological and pathological regulation by endoplasmic reticulum stress response
KYOZUKA Junko Associate Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo How to make plant body forms in logistic and wise ways
MORITA Miyo Associate Professor, Laboratory of Plant Morphological Dynamics Gravity sensing mechanisms in gravitropic responses in higher plants
SHIRAKAWA Masahiro Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Structures of proteins that regulates cell differentiation, and structures of proteins under intra-cellular environments
SHIKANAI Toshiharu Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University Regulation and machinery of cyclic electron flow around photosystem I
SHIRAHIGE Katsuhiko Professor, School of Life Science and Technology, Department of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology Development of Genomic Approaches for the understanding of chromosome function and behavior
INAGAKI Naoyuki Associate Professor, Laboratory of Signal Transduction Analyses of the mechanism of neuronal polarity formation
FY2006 None
FY2005 None
TAKAYAMA Seiji Associate Professor, Laboratory of Intercellular Communications Self/non-self recognition mechanisms in plant self-incompatibility
YAMANAKA Shinya Associate Professor, Laboratory of Animal Molecular Technology Mechanisms to maintain pluripotency in ES cells
FY2002 None
OGURA Toshihiko Associate Professor, Laboratory of Metabolic Regulation in Animal Cells
KOKUBO Tetsuro Associate Professor, Laboratory of Gene Function in Animals Functional analysis of basic transcriptional factor TFIID subunit
KAIBUCHI Kozo Professor, Laboratory of Signal Transduction Regulatory mechanisms of the cytoskeletons and cell adhesions by Rho family of small GTPases