NAIST 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス領域


Functional modularity confers an emergent property of Arabidopsis thaliana core root microbiota lineages

演題 Functional modularity confers an emergent property of Arabidopsis thaliana core root microbiota lineages
講演者 Dr. Ryohei Thomas Nakano (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research)
使用言語 English
日時 2018年3月16日(金曜日) 15:00~16:00
場所 大セミナー室
Plants in nature live in intimate association with diverse microorganisms, collectively called the plant microbiota. Taxonomic compositions of bacterial communities associated with the roots of a wide range of land plant species are largely overlapped, and the common bacterial lineages, including the order Rhizobiales, constitute the “core root microbiota”. Rhizobiales contains a group of bacteria, known as rhizobia, that are characterized by their symbiotic engagements with leguminous plants. However, the genetic and phenotypic nature of interaction between non-leguminous plants and non-symbiotic Rhizobiales is not understood. Our recent genome analysis of 1,314 Rhizobiales isolates originating from both leguminous and non-leguminous plant hosts showed that key symbiosis genes were acquired multiple times and that the most recent Rhizobiales common ancestor had the capacity to colonize the roots of a broad range of hosts. By conducting a large-scale gnotobiotic binary interaction survey, we identified root growth promoting (RGP) activity as a common trait of Rhizoabiales commensals. We also found that the Rhizobiales RGP is strongly inhibited by activation of host immune responses, and some root-associated bacteria, including some Rhizobiales commensals, suppressed host immune responses. We therefore tested a tripartite co-inoculation experiment and revealed that the Rhizobiales RGP under immune-eliciting conditions was rescued by co-inoculation with an immune-suppressing strain. These findings indicate that these traits synergistically operate in a modular fashion, suggesting interactions between these two traits that enable emergent properties of A. thaliana core root microbiota.
問合せ先 植物免疫学
西條 雄介 (
