
From Protein Folding to Cognition: a Serendipitous Path of Discovery

Title From Protein Folding to Cognition: a Serendipitous Path of Discovery
Lecturer Dr. Peter Walter (University of California, San Francisco)
Language English
Date&Time 06/06/2017 (Tue) 11:00~12:30
Venue 大セミナー室
Detail A screen for small molecule modulators of the unfolded protein response yielded ISRIB, a drug-like compound that with high efficacy renders cells insensitive to translational inhibition by phosphorylation of eIF2. ISRIB is an activator of eIF2B, eIF2’s guanine nucleotide exchange factor, and a cognitive enhancer in rodents, significantly improving long-term memory of wild-type animals in behavioral assays.
Contact ストレス微生物科学
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