Assoc. Prof. NISHIMURA Tamako
Molecular Medicine and Cell Biology
Please tell us about your own research and what you find interesting about it.
Each cell has a unique shape for various functions. So how are the cell shapes controlled? By forming protrusions on their membranes, cells move, adhere with neighboring cells, and capture foreign substances. Cells also cleave the protrusions and secrete extracellular vesicles to transmit information between cells. On the other hand, cancer cells tend to have an increased number of protrusions, which promotes cell movement and increases the secretion of extracellular vesicles, leading to their proliferation and metastasis.
We would like to elucidate the molecular mechanisms how the normal cells change their morphology to control their movements and functions, and how the cancer cells abnormally cause their proliferation and metastasis.
Please tell us about the difficulties and joys of the research field.
Research is a continuous process which begins with the preparation of materials, performs various experiments, analyzes a large amount of data, to clarify various phenomena. Although the research is often difficult and time-consuming, I feel the best when I discover unexpected phenomena or when something I try succeeds. It is also a great pleasure when our research is completed as publication. Furthermore, as a teacher, I enjoy seeing students who were beginners grow so much that they propose experiments on their own.
Please tell us about the expected results and social significance of the project.
Increased cell protrusions and enhanced secretion of extracellular vesicles are known to be involved in cancer cell growth and metastasis. By elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and severing of the cell protrusions, we hope to contribute to the new cancer therapy and the development of new anticancer drugs.
A message of support for students who are about to take the exam
NAIST has many researchers conducting interesting researches, and the research environment is very fulfilling. Students from different fields are also very welcome. Let's discover new phenomena and molecules with us.
What websites, books, review articles, and so on, do you recommend for studying in order to apply for the lab ?
Studying the basics of cell biology by reading “Molecular Biology of the Cell'' or “Essential Cell Biology,'' which summarizes its key points, will be very useful for your research.
What do you do to keep yourself fresh?
I refresh myself by cooking and making sweets with my son on holidays.