Assoc.Prof. MATSUI Takaaki
Please tell us about your own research and what you find interesting about it.
Organisms have systems to remove abnormal cells that appear in the body. Among them, I am interested in cell extrusion through cell competition, which occurs before immune cells are mobilized. Since this extrusion is required very early in homeostasis, its disruption can trigger a variety of diseases. Therefore, my research is expected to contribute to the medical field.
Please tell us about the difficulties and joys of the research field.
It makes me very happy when I formulate a working hypothesis and when that hypothesis is proven by experiments. Obtaining research grants and submitting/revising papers are quite difficult, but when the hard work pays off, there is a great sense of accomplishment.
Please tell us about the expected results and social significance of the project.
I aim to maintain homeostasis and extend healthy life expectancy. I also want to make discoveries that will rewrite the textbooks.
A message of support for students who are about to take the exam
NAIST is equipped with shared equipment and a research-friendly environment. Why don't you join us and do research in such an environment?
What websites, books, review articles, and so on, do you recommend for studying in order to apply for the lab ?
In my research, it is essential to understand the signal transduction between cells. Therefore, it is a good idea to study the basic gene expression mechanisms that occur within cells and the signaling and adhesion mechanisms required for cell communications among cells. Initially, you should study Chapters 7, 8, 16, and 20 of Essential Cell Biology.
What do you do to keep yourself fresh?
Spend a time with my cat.