Prof. ENDO Motomu
Please tell us about your own research and what you find interesting about it.
We can't see time directly, but it plays an important role in most living organisms—from our sleep to timing of flowering. We hope to unclear how plants measure time and how they use it in order to uncover their strategies for adapting to fluctuating environments.
Please tell us about the difficulties and joys of the research field.
In order for immobile plants to adapt to a fluctuating environment, it’s important for them to anticipate and prepare for daily and seasonal changes. In our research on chronobiology, we enjoy the opportunity to get close to the amazing ability of plants to predict their environments. However, since the phenomena change with time, the time for experiments is limited. Nevertheless, plants are very cute and they heal me every day.
Please tell us about the expected results and social significance of the project.
In contrast to the laboratory, nature is subject to a variety of changes, such as day/night and seasonal changes. This research, which leads to the prediction of plant responses under such conditions, will not only reveal more realistic aspects of plant life but also lead to practical applications, such as increasing crop yields. In fact, the chronobiology perspective is also used in plant factories.
A message of support for students who are about to take the exam
There are not many places that do research on chronoboiology; so, I think this is the first experience of conducting such experiments for most people. However, it’s an important phenomenon that underlies not only plants but also multiple other organisms, and it’s a field in which there’s still much that we do not understand. If you’re interested in the environmental response of plants, if you’re good at mathematical biology and programming, or if you’re good at ecology, you can do research from various angles.
What do you do to keep yourself fresh?
I don't have any hobbies these days, but I sort of moonlight as a programmer for fun. I also enjoy playing kendama, magic, doing origami, and so on.
I haven't been able to go out for a drink in a while, but I really like craft beer.